Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday Rustday

So today, I brought my camera with me and it was a beautiful and SUNNY day, but unfortunately, I should have known I would forget the battery I left charging at home from the night before.  But it is good and charged now, and I will hopefully get some pictures tomorrow.  Supposed to get 5-8 inches of snow tonight! I'm walking to school super early, so maybe I can get some nice shots of fresh snow on my way.

Yesterday I said I don't really like to photograph man-made things because they don't necessarily interest me as much.  An exception to that are man-made things that have been affected by nature.  Like rust, or peeling paint.  

I'm pretty sure this is my very first picture taken with my camera the day I got it (aww)   
Did find a video I liked today that shows natural decay in an interesting way.  It is really fast paced, but the more I watched it, the more I liked it.  The end was unexpected and well done too.  I like the old ships in this video and even though it doesn't show you any shot for too long, it does give a thorough look at it.  And then the graffiti at the end with the lighting.  Super inspiring.  The music is awesome too.  Enjoy! 


  1. This video is really interesting. Well filmed. Great what the filmer did with his limited subject matter using the fast paced still shots and weird angles. The music was great.

  2. Yeah, one of my favorite parts is when he runs along the side of the ship super close and you see the progression and difference in the rust from around 1:10 to 1:19.
