Texting Marv |
I like this guy! And I think it liked me. |
I was surprised at how there was hardly anyone on this big grassy field! I'll come here more often, maybe. |
I woke up this morning to so much green outside my window and I was thinking about how around two weeks ago, there was just the beginnings of leaf buds on this tree. And now it's full of green! and then I wondered how wonderful it must feel for the tree to finally soak up all the sun with all its new, bright leaves! Probably pretty good, I'd imagine :)
Picture of my window with said tree. |
I rode my bike to my realtor's office today to sign my new lease. I took my time on the way home, not wanting the ride to end. And when I was juuuust about home, I took a right on a path knowing I was heading to the pond instead. I'm glad I did. The flowering trees smelled like home... my parents have the same trees in their backyard. I also saw one big and two little sunbathing turtles in the pond. I went in for the picture and they plopped in the water... that made me feel bad :( I shouldn't have gone lumbering towards them I guess.
After a beautiful day; I'm home, cuddling with a purring kitty and chatting with Brian. I feel very lucky, happy.
Ugh... I keep forgetting to mail in that Netflix DVD...