Saturday, April 2, 2011


I created a little challange for myself today.  I didn't end up sticking to my silly challange, but kept with it until I found myself wandering and finding more and more to photograph on my own.  Also, really nice, I was able to really listen to a couple albums I've been meaning to listen to lately. All in all, I had a really nice day.

Looking back on the pictures, I kind of wish I would find a picture to take, but wait for the right moment.  Usually I take a picture, and that's that.  Maybe I'll take 2 or 3 of almost the same thing, but looking at the pictures, I've been finding that I wish the people were arranged differently, or there were more clouds in the sky, or the light was a little different.  Stuff I didn't really think about when I took the shot.  Even though I didn't stick to my little unnamed challange, I think it is good for me to come up with things like that.... the more I take pictures, the more I will notice... right?

I took this picture and didn't like it, but when I uploaded it on my computer,  the decay seems more interesting.  I actually wasn't really thinking about the decay when I took the picture.


Haha... something I took for my lil "challange".... but turned out alright.
I was going to keep photographing these flowers but at some point I realized they were fake (wasn't wearing my gleeaaasses) and I was disgusted so I walked away....... but they are pretty if we all just pretend they're real.

Yeah. I took a picture of a guy taking a picture.

I just think the wording on the sign is funny.

Also wanted to add a couple older pictures:

Not really a great picture... wish it was clear. But Stella's face is awesome!

A farewell picture to my Conn.


Brent Sandy at the Mill in Iowa City
I promise I'll update more regularly again :)

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures, LeAnn. I like the idea of making a challenge for yourself. I also uploaded some photoes I took at Elk Creek on my blog. Unfortunately, the frog and the turtle pictures were damaged and I couldn't upload them. They were very cool. Becky got them on her facebook. Not sure how she did that.
